- Custom kernel 3.9.4 (patched with aufs, squashfs and xz filesystem mode, includes support for wide range of wireless drivers and hardware) Includes support for alfacard 0036NH
- Faster interface
- More than 340 tools powerful for penetration testing and forensics
- New Section PCI-DSS tools in Arsenal
- high emphasis on forensics
- greater hardware support
- Comes with custom installer
- supports USB persistence
- UI inspired from Greek Mythology
- IPv6 tools included.
- Easy integration with virtualbox and vmware player even in Live mode.
- Includes latest tools introduced at Blackhat 2013 and Defcon 2013, Updated build until September 22 2013.
Kernel version 3.9 ျဖစ္ျပီး Ubuntu မွာလုိ Root access ကုိတန္းမရပါဘူး။ တစ္ခုခုဆုိ password ကုိရုိက္ေပးရပါတယ္။
အၾကိဳက္ဆုံးကေတာ့ Tor ကုိထည့္သြင္းေပးထားတာပါပဲ။ Tor ကုိေနာက္ထပ္ထည့္စရာမလုိေတာ့ဘူး။
ဒါကေတာ့ နာမည္ၾကီး Metasploit ပါပဲ။
Download: [Home] [Mirror]
GUI ေလးကေတာ႔ Kali ထက္ပိုေကာင္းတယ္လို႔ထင္တာပဲဗ်။
ReplyDeleteTor ပါၿပီးသားဆိုတာကလဲ ေတာ္ေတာ္ေလးအသံုး၀င္ပါတယ္။
Matriux ဆိုတာ Matrix + Linux ကိုတြဲေခၚတာလားသိဘူး။ ဘယ္လိုအသံထြက္လဲေတာင္မသိေတာ႔ဘူး ဟီး..
MSF မွာအရင္ေရးမလုိ႔ဗ်။ Bro Leet က ဒီရက္ပုိင္းျပင္ဆင္မွဳေတြလုပ္မယ္ဆုိလုိ႔ ဘေလာ့မွပဲ တင္လုိက္ေတာ့တာ။ Kali ထက္ပုိေကာင္းမယ္ဆုိတာေတာ့ ေသခ်ာမေျပာတတ္ဘူး။ Kali က စက္တအားပူတယ္။ :)