
How To Convert RPM File Into DEB File in Linux

Linux မွာ ကြ်န္ေတာ္တုိ႔တခါတေလ ဖုိင္ေတြေဒါင္းလုိက္ရင္ အခ်ဳိ႕က .rpm .deb အဲလုိကြဲသြားတယ္။ .rpm ကေတာ့ Ubuntu-based Linux ေတြေပၚမွာ Run လုိ႔အဆင္မေျပပါဘူး။ .deb ဆုိရင္ အားလုံးအဆင္ေျပတယ္။ Kali/BT မွာေရာ Run လုိ႔ရတယ္။ Terminal မွာ sudo dpkg -i yourfilename.deb ဆုိျပီး run လုိက္ရုံပဲ။ OK ဒါဆုိ လုိအပ္မယ့္ package ကုိအရင္ေဒါင္းရေအာင္။ ထုံးစံအတုိင္း Terminal ကေန apt-get install alien လုိ႔ရုိက္ျပီး y နဲ႔ confirm လုပ္ေပးပါ။ ဒါဆုိ သူ႕ဘာသာသူဆက္လုပ္သြားပါလိမ့္မယ္။
အဲဒါေတြ Done ျပီဆုိရင္ ကြ်န္ေတာ္ ဖုိင္တစ္ခုကုိနမူနာထားျပီး Convert လုပ္သြားပါမယ္။ MySQL-zrm-1.1-1.noarch.rpm ဆုိတဲ့ဖုိင္ကုိ .deb ေျပာင္းသြားပါမယ္။ အုိခီ သုံးရမယ့္ Command က sudo alien <yourfilenamehere> ပါ။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ in my case, alien MySQL-zrm-1.1-1.noarch.rpm ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ sudo မပါတာက Kali Linux မွာမုိ႔ပါ။
ေတြ႕လားဗ်။ အဲဒီမွာ mysql-zrm_1.1-2_all.deb လုိ႔ေျပာင္းသြားပါျပီ။ ျပီးရင္ ေျပာင္းလုိက္တဲ့ဖုိင္ကုိ  permision ခုလုိ ေပးလုိက္ပါမယ္။ ဒီလုိလုပ္ေပးျခင္းအားျဖင့္ ကြ်န္ေတာ္တုိ႔ .deb ဖုိင္ကုိ အင္စေတာ့လုပ္ရာမွာ အဆင္ေျပေစမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ sudo chmod 777 mysql-zrm_1.1-2_all.deb
ျပီးရင္ sudo dpkg -i mysql-zrm_1.1-2_all.deb နဲ႔ run လုိ႔ရပါျပီ။ Hope this trick is Rock. :D
တကယ္လုိ႔ deb>rpm ျပန္ေျပာင္းခ်င္တယ္ဆုိရင္လည္း sudo alien -r mysql-zrm_1.1-2_all.deb နဲ႕သြားရုံပါပဲ။ Everything you need to know about File converting in Linux is below. :D
Command: alien -h
# alien -h
Usage: alien [options] file [...]
  file [...]                Package file or files to convert.
  -d, --to-deb              Generate a Debian deb package (default).
     Enables these options:
       --patch=      Specify patch file to use instead of automatically
                            looking for patch in /var/lib/alien.
       --nopatch	    Do not use patches.
       --anypatch           Use even old version os patches.
       -s, --single         Like --generate, but do not create .orig
       --fixperms           Munge/fix permissions and owners.
       --test               Test generated packages with lintian.
  -r, --to-rpm              Generate a Red Hat rpm package.
      --to-slp              Generate a Stampede slp package.
  -l, --to-lsb              Generate a LSB package.
  -t, --to-tgz              Generate a Slackware tgz package.
     Enables these options:
       --description= Specify package description.
       --version=  Specify package version.
  -p, --to-pkg              Generate a Solaris pkg package.
  -i, --install             Install generated package.
  -g, --generate            Generate build tree, but do not build package.
  -c, --scripts             Include scripts in package.
  -v, --verbose             Display each command alien runs.
      --veryverbose         Be verbose, and also display output of run commands.
  -k, --keep-version        Do not change version of generated package.
      --bump=number         Increment package version by this number.
  -h, --help                Display this help message.
  -V, --version		    Display alien's version number.

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